WASHINGTON–U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), a member of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, on Tuesday released the following statement on Senate passage of the national security supplemental:

“I’m relieved that Congress has finally done its job and passed legislation to provide support to our allies in Ukraine, Taiwan, and Israel as well as humanitarian aid for the desperate and starving people in Gaza. For months, House Republicans have forced Ukraine to fight with one hand tied behind its back as its supply of ammunitions and air defenses dwindled. This long overdue aid is going to give their fight an urgently needed shot in the arm and is proof positive of what we’ve been saying all along – there is strong bipartisan support for the people of Ukraine. The United States will not stand on the sidelines and allow leaders like Vladimir Putin to upend the post-World War II order by invading and annexing smaller nations.

“While I support Israel’s right to defend itself, I have been clear that the way Israel is currently conducting this war has led to an unacceptable level of civilian harm inside Gaza. The president has issued a very detailed national security memorandum that states the aid included in this package must be used in compliance with international law, and I will be closely tracking the memorandum’s implementation.”
