BERLIN – U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) released the following statement on the agreement reached between the United States, United Kingdom, France, Russia, China, and Germany (P5+1) and Iran:

The deal struck this morning between the United States, our allies, and Iran is a wise and necessary first step toward resolving the decades-long standoff over Iran's nuclear program.  


The initial six-month framework gives us a chance to test Iranian intentions before reaching a more comprehensive agreement to prevent a nuclear Iran. An eventual deal that allows for full transparency and verification that Iran is not pursuing nuclear weapons remains the best way to resolve this crisis long-term. 


This first-step agreement is a clear demonstration that our dual track policy of sanctions and diplomacy, conducted jointly with many of our allies, has been effective.  It sends a powerful message about the world community's commitment to nonproliferation and advances the security of Israel and other nations in the region.  


Many will argue that we cannot trust Iran— that is exactly why we need this deal. It freezes Iran's nuclear program, provides for intrusive monitoring on the ground, and leaves in place the tough economic sanctions that helped bring Iran to the negotiating table in the first place. Let's give this short term deal the chance to work as we work on permanently divorcing Iran from any belief it can become a nuclear weapon state.