HARTFORD – U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.)U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), and U.S. Representative Joe Courtney (D-Conn.) released the following statement today in response to a report issued by the Office of the Inspector General for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS IG) following the agency’s inquiry into Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) failure to deport Jean Jacques, a Haitian national currently in prison for the alleged murder of 25-year-old Norwich woman Casey Chadwick. The inquiry was launched following a request by Murphy, Blumenthal, and Courtney.

“This report confirms what we have long suspected: ICE could and should have done more to remove Jean Jacques from this country before he had the chance to brutally murder Casey Chadwick. The report provides the most comprehensive and detailed accounting for what happened in this case to date, and the findings are nothing short of alarming. It is clear that more needs to be done to ensure that our nation is using every tool possible to secure the removal of dangerous individuals, evidenced by the inability of ICE to overcome Haiti’s objections to Jacques’ deportation. ICE lacks the framework for effective risk-based monitoring and supervision of released individuals like Jacques who have violent criminal pasts.”

“We will continue to explore the issues raised in today’s report and look for ways to address the unacceptable failings it found. The Chadwick family, the people of Norwich, and the people of Connecticut have our commitment that we will do everything in our power to ensure that the grievous errors that made possible the murder of one of our constituents can never happen again.”

According to the report:

  • ICE lacked sufficient framework to secure key identity documents to provide Jacques’ nationality, a central part of Haiti’s repeated refusal to accept Jacques.
  • ICE did not formally escalate this case to the State Department after Haiti’s repeated rejection of Jacques, which the IG report notes is “a course of action that is provided for in ERO’s removal guidelines.”
  • ICE officials did not take key steps that could have strengthened the case for removal, such as interviewing family members to secure additional verification or requiring Jacques to personally secure such documents himself a condition of his release.
  • ICE did not properly supervise Jacques after his release, raising significant concern about a lack of risk-based supervision of those with criminal backgrounds, inconsistent training and guidance for officers, and massive caseloads that prevent more effective monitoring of those released from ICE custody.

The report released today by the DHS IG reviewed the facts of the case and examined the extent to which ICE adhered to its policies in the release and supervision of Jacques. A second report, which will provide a broader systemic analysis of ICE enforcement and removal policies raised by this case, will be completed at a later date.