HARTFORD–U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) announced on Thursday that 12-15 Molecular Diagnostics Inc., based in East Haven, was named “Innovator of the Month.” Founded in 2018 by Dr. Saion Sinha, 12-15 Molecular Diagnostics is a biotech company that offers next-generation testing and diagnostics solutions in three areas: point-of-care diagnostics, water quality and biodefense. Their flagship product, Veralize, is a test device designed to identify a wide range of infectious diseases faster than PCR-based tests and with more accuracy than antigen tests. Veralize can be used to test for PFOS, PFOA, lead and copper in industrial facilities, residential homes and natural water sources. It can also be used for accurate and rapid detection of potential biological threats and infections, including those that occur in clinical settings and can hinder the recovery of patients in hospitals.

“Every person deserves the peace of mind of knowing that their water is safe to drink, and their environment is free from harmful chemicals. The team at 12-15MD is leading the way in delivering innovative, lifesaving rapid testing technology to meet this need at a faster pace than ever before, and their hard work is keeping people healthy across our state. I am proud to recognize them for their ingenuity, and I look forward to watching the company continue to thrive in Connecticut,” said Murphy.

“Driven by rapid advances in biotechnology and our internal R&D breakthroughs in a disruptive, new PFAS detection method, 2024 is proving to be an exciting and pivotal year for 12-15MD and we appreciate the state’s special recognition. I am incredibly proud of our young, diverse team -- 90% of which graduated from the CT University System. It's my privilege to work with and mentor ‘our best and the brightest’ and give them the opportunity to stay in CT while making their contribution to making the world a better, safer place,” said Dr. Saion Sinha, CEO and founder of 12-15 Molecular Diagnostics.

12-15MD is at the forefront of developing new technologies in the global biosensors market, which was valued at $25.69 billion in 2023 and is expected to double in the next 10 years. Biosensors are the future of detecting and measuring specific biological and chemical substances. They are used for a wide range of applications including medical diagnostics, environmental monitoring and food safety testing. The company’s portable Veralize device offers several advantages such as rapid detection, higher sensitivity, specificity and ease of use, making it a valuable tool in healthcare, agriculture, and industry. Ahead of the EPA’s first-ever PFAS regulations, 12-15’s new Water division, VeralizeH2O, is making waves in the PFAS Testing market, showing great promise in lab and field trials with PFAS detection at 1.5ppt. Disruption and innovation in PFAS testing is necessary, as the current detection method and over-burdened centralized lab system cannot accommodate the upcoming EPA regulatory requirements.

Murphy believes entrepreneurship and innovation are the building blocks for a strong economy. In the U.S. Senate, he has introduced legislation to incentivize angel investors to put more money into startup companies—the Angel Tax Credit Act and the Helping Angels Lead Our Startups (HALOS) Act. Startup companies create an average of 2 million jobs each year.
